Both cellular and sub-cellular features are imaged with sub-micron, diffraction-limited resolution. Movies of holographic amplitude and phase images of living microbial cells are created from a series of holograms recorded at 20 frames per second and reconstructed with numerically adjustable focus, so that the rapidly moving microbes can be accurately tracked. The holographic movies show the organisms swimming among other microbes as well as displaying some of their intracellular processes.
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[QuickTime 1.2MB] 4-Numerical focusing in digital holography of paramecia from a single hologram. Video sequence of a) 90 x 90 µm2 area (432 x 432 pixels with z scanned from 50 to 250 µm in steps of 10 µm. b) 250 x 250µm2 (464 x 464 pixels) with z scanned from 0 to 1000 µm in steps of 50 µm.
[QuickTime 2.7MB, 2.0MB] Holographic movies of a rotifer, showing a) amplitude and b) phase movies of area 70 x 70 µm2 (360 x 360 pixels) with z = 79~80 µm.