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Vincenzo   Pallozzi Lavorante

Postdoctoral Fellow at University of South Florida


Vincenzo   Pallozzi Lavorante

I am currently a post doc fellow at the University of South Florida, working under the supervision of Prof. Micheli. I am collaborating with Prof. Giulietti at the University of Perugia and Prof. Korchmaros at the University of Basilicata. I am currently a member of the Center for Cryptographic Research at USF.

Curriculum Vitae



My research ranges from the study of Galois theory to combinatorial structures, with particular attentions to coding theory, cryptography and permutation polynomials. I also like to explore anything I find attractive and I am keen to enter new areas whenever they comes with some interesting applications.


Selected Papers


"Optimal locally recoverable codes with hierarchy from nested F-adic expansions".

A. Dukes, G. Micheli and VPL

In this paper we construct new optimal hierarchical locally recoverable codes. Our construction is based on a combination of the ideas of [1], [2] with an algebraic number theoretical approach that allows to give a finer tuning of the minimum distance of the intermediate code (allowing larger dimension of the final code), and to remove restrictions on the arithmetic properties of q compared with the size of the locality sets in the hierarchy. In turn, we manage to obtain codes with a wider set of parameters both for the size q of the base field, and for the hierarchy size, while keeping the optimality of the codes we construct.

"A general construction of permutation polynomials of Fq2."

X-d. Hou and VPL

Let $r$ be a positive integer, $h(X)\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X]$, and $\mu_{q+1}$ be the subgroup of order $q+1$ of $\Bbb F_{q^2}^*$. It is well known that $X^rh(X^{q-1})$ permutes $\Bbb F_{q^2}$ if and only if $\text{gcd}(r,q-1)=1$ and $X^rh(X)^{q-1}$ permutes $\mu_{q+1}$. There are many ad hoc constructions of permutation polynomials of $\Bbb F_{q^2}$ of this type such that $h(X)^{q-1}$ induces monomial functions on the cosets of a subgroup of $\mu_{q+1}$. We give a general construction that can generate, through an algorithm, {\em all} permutation polynomials of $\Bbb F_{q^2}$ with this property, including many which are not known previously. The construction is illustrated explicitly for permutation binomials and trinomials.

Contact Details

  12010 USF Cherry Dr, Tampa, FL 33620

Office: CMC 028
