Aurelie Germa

Associate Professor

- Volcanology -

Major equipment

Please contact me at for information, training, reservation.

Lab Guidelines

Keyence VHX-7000 Digital Microscope

- Digitize samples: hand specimen, tephra, thin sections and much more

- Check our Petrology Digital Collection. Download images for FREE here

- Documentation:

User Manual

Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 500 Atomic absorption spectrometer

- Collaborative agreement with USGS Menlo Park (Andrew Calvert)

- For the determination of potassium (K) in igneous rocks

Sample preparation (School of Geosciences facilities)

Tile saws (CHE50C)

Large Jaw crusher and ball mills (CHE37)

Sieve sets dedicated to different tasks (geochronology, physical volcanology)(SCA516 - 535)

Sieve shakers (dry and wet, SCA535)

Heavy liquids mineral separation set up (SCA516)

Magnetic separator (SCA516)

Particle disperser (SCA516)



USF webpage