Astrophysics Concentration

Astrophysics Concentration

The Astrophysics Concentration within the B.S. or B.A. in Physics at USF requires taking three courses:

AST 4217 - Stellar Astrophysics
AST 3930 - Galaxies and Cosmology
AST 4721L - Astrophysics Lab

These courses satisfy the elective (AST 4217 and AST 3930) and advanced lab (AST 4721L) requirements within the physics major.

Astrophysics Concentration Students (year completed):
Pedro Abritta Rabelo (2021), Dante' Andrews (2021), Zachariah Dicce (2023), Morgan Fuzi (2019), Anthony Gifford (2021), Autumn Hoefle (2024), Courtney Kreisler (2021), Kendrick McGonagle (2019), Simon Mendenhall (2021), Pedro Mendez (2019), Austin Miller (2019), Jacob Parish (2021), Matthew Sundquist (2019), Rejoan Afrin Tonoy (2023)