digital holography & microscopy laboratory | ![]() |
DHML | Department of Physics |
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DHML Publications |
BOOK, BOOK CHAPTERS, AND INVITED ARTICLES 7. MK Kim, Digital Holographic Microscopy: Principles, Techniques, and Applications, (Springer, 2011) ISBN 978-1-4419-7792-2 > Springer 6. DC Clark & MK Kim, “High-precision method for measuring the photothermal properties of transparent media with digital holography,” Chinese Opt. Lett. 9, 120001:1-4 (2011) (invited journal paper) > pdf 5. MK Kim, “Applications of digital holography to biomedical microscopy,” J. Opt. Soc. Korea 14, 77-89 (2010) (invited review paper) 4. M.K. Kim, “Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy,” SPIE Reviews 1, 018005-1~50 (2010) (invited review paper) 3. N Warnasooriya & MK Kim, “Quantitative phase imaging using multi-wavelength optical phase unwrapping,” Chap. 33 in N. Costa & A. Cartaxo, eds., Advances in Lasers and Electro-optics, (In-Tech, 2009) ISBN 978-953-307-088-9 2. L.G. Krzewina & M.K. Kim, “Structured Illumination Imaging,” Chap. 17 in Q. Wu, F. Merchant, and K. Castleman, eds., Microscope Image Processing (Elsevier, 2008) ISBN: 978-0-12-372578-3 1. M.K. Kim, L. Yu, and C.J. Mann, “Digital holography and multi-wavelength interference techniques”, Chap. 2 in T.C. Poon, ed., Digital holography and three-dimensional display (Springer, 2006). ISBN 0-387-31340-0
PATENTS 8. M.K. Kim, “Adaptive optics ophthalmic imager without wavefront sensor or wavefront corrector,” US provisional patent application filed (2010) 7. M.K. Kim, “Total internal reflection digital holographic microscope,” US utility patent No. 7,812,959 (2010). 6. M.K. Kim, “Variable tomographic scanning with wavelength scanning digital interference holography”, US Patent No. 7,486,406 (2009) 5. M.K. Kim & L. Yu, “Method of full-color optical coherence tomography”, US Patent No. 7,317,540 (2008) 4. M.K. Kim & L. Yu, “Method of full-color optical coherence tomography”, US Patent No. 7,095,503 (2006) 3. M.K. Kim, J. Gass, & A. Dakoff, “Phase imaging using multi-wavelength digital holography”, US Patent No. 6,809,845 (2004) 2. M.K. Kim, “Digital interference holographic microscope and methods”, US Patent No. 7,127,109 (2006) 1. R. Kachru, E. Xu, S. Kröll, D.L. Heustis, and M.K. Kim, “All-optical image processing and pattern recognition apparatus using stimulated photon echoes”, U.S. Patent No. 05,204,770 (1993).
REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 69. X Yu, J Hong, C Liu & MK Kim, “Review of digital holographic microscopy for three-dimensional profiling and tracking” Opt. Eng, 53, 112306 (2014).> pdf 68. X Yu, J Hong, C Liu, M Cross, DT Haynie & MK Kim, “Four-dimensional motility tracking of biological cells by digital holographic microscopy” J. Biom. Opt. 19, 045001 (2014). > pdf 67. J Hong & MK Kim, “Overview of techniques applicable to self-interference incoherent digital holography” J. Eur. Opt. Soc, Rapid Publ. 8, 13077 (2013). > pdf 66. J Hong & MK Kim, “Single-shot self-interference incoherent digital holography using off-axis configuration” Opt. Lett. 38, 5196-5199 (2013). > pdf 65. C Liu, X Yu, & MK Kim, “Phase aberration correction by correlation in digital holographic adaptive optics” App. Opt. 52, 2940-2949 (2013). > pdf 64. MK Kim, “Full color natural light holographic camera” Opt. Express. 21, 9636-9642 (2013). > pdf 63. MK Kim, “Incoherent digital holographic adaptive optics” App. Opt. 52, (2013). > pdf 62. C liu, X Yu, & MK Kim, “Fourier transform digital holographic adaptive optics imaging system” App. Opt. 51, 8449-8454 (2012). > pdf 61. DC Clark& MK Kim, “Noncontact single-pulse optical method to measure interfacial properties in intact systems” Opt. Lett. 37, 5145-5147 (2012). > pdf 60. X Yu, M Cross, C Liu, DC Clark, DT Haynie, & MK Kim, “Quantitative imaging and measurement of cell–substrate surface deformation by digital holography” J. Mod. Opt. 59, 1591-1598 (2012). > pdf 59. MK Kim, “Adaptive optics by incoherent digital holography,” Opt. Lett. 37, 2694-2696 (2012). > pdf 58. X Yu, M Cross, C Liu, DC Clark, DT Haynie, & MK Kim, “Measurement of the traction force of biological cells by digital holography,” Biomed Opt Express 3, 153-159 (2011). > pdf 57. Y Wan, WM Ash III, L Fan, H Hao, MK Kim, J Lin, “Variable-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of intact cells of Arabidopsis thaliana,” Plant Methods 7:27 1-7 (2011). > pdf 56. C Liu, D Wang, JJ Healy, BM Hennelly, JT Sheridan, & MK Kim, “Digital computation of the complex linear canonical transform,” J Opt Soc Am A 28, 1379-1386 (2011). > pdf 55. C Liu & MK Kim, “Digital holographic adaptive optics for ocular imaging: proof of principle,” Opt. Lett. 36, 2710-12 (2011). > pdf 54. M Heimbeck, MK Kim, DA Gregory, & HO Everitt, “Terahertz digital holography using angular spectrum and dual wavelength reconstruction methods,” Opt. Expr. 19, 9192-9200 (2011). > pdf 53. DC Clark & MK Kim, “Determination of
absorption coefficient by digital holographic measurement of optical
excitation,” Appl. Opt. 50, 1668-1672 (2011). > pdf 52. MC Potcoava, CN Kay, MK Kim, & DW Richards, “In vitro imaging of ophthalmic tissue by digital interference holography,” J. Mod. Opt. 57, 115-123 (2010) 51. WM Ash, L Krzewina, MK Kim, “Quantitative
imaging of cellular adhesion by total internal reflection holographic
microscopy,” Appl. Opt. 48, H144-152 (2009) 50. MC Potcoava & MK Kim, “Fingerprint
biometry applications of digital holography and low-coherence interferography,”
Appl. Opt. 48, H9-15 (2009) 49. L Yu, S Mohanty, J Zhang, S Genc, MK Kim, MW
Berns, Z Chen, “Digital holographic microscopy for quantitative cell dynamic
evaluation during laser microsurgery,” Opt. Express 17, 12031-12038
(2009) 48. N Warnasooriya & MK Kim, “Quantitative phase imaging using three-wavelength optical phase unwrapping,” J Mod Opt 56, 67-74 (2009). 47. A Khmaladze & MK Kim, “Design and imaging properties of a laser scanning microscope with a position-sensitive detector,” J Mod Opt 55, 2785-2796 (2008). 46. A Khmaladze, A Restrepo-Martinez, MK Kim, R Castaneda, & A Blandon, “Simultaneous dual-wavelength reflection digital holography applied to the study of the porous coal samples,” Appl. Opt. 47, 3203-3210 (2008). 45. WM Ash III & MK Kim, “Digital holography of total internal reflection,” Opt. Express 16, 9811-9820 (2008). 44. A Khmaladze, MK Kim, & CM Lo, “Phase imaging of cells by simultaneous dual-wavelength reflection digital holography,” Opt. Express 16, 10900-10911 (2008). 43. MC Potcoava & MK Kim, “Optical tomography for biomedical applications by digital interference holography,” Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 074010-1~8 (2008). 42. N. Warnasooriya & MK Kim, “LED-based multi-wavelength phase imaging interference microscopy”, Opt. Expr. 15, 9239-9247 (2007). 41. Lingfeng Yu, Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, and Myung K. Kim, “Three-dimensional angle measurement based on propagation vector analysis of digital holography”, Appl. Opt. 46 3539-3545 (2007). 40. L. Krzewina & M.K. Kim, “Optical sectioning by selective illumination feedback microscopy”, J. Mod. Opt. 54, 1819-1826 (2007) 39. JY Shen, XG Li, MK Kim, & SJ Chang, “New approach to extract phase feature of 3D objects by wavelength scanning digital holography,” Optoelectronics Lett 2, 0136-0138 (2006). 38. M.K. Kim, L. Yu, & C.J. Mann, “Interference techniques in digital holography”, J. Opt. A 8, S518-523 (2006). (downloaded 267 times 7/06-2/07) 37. C. Mann, L. Yu, & M.K. Kim, “Movies of cellular and sub-cellular motion by digital holographic microscopy”, Biomed. Engg. Online, 5, 21 (2006). Received ‘Highly Accessed’ designation by BioMed Central. 36. L. Yu and M.K. Kim, “Pixel resolution control in numerical reconstruction of digital holography”, Opt. Lett. 31, 897 (2006). 35. L. Yu and M.K. Kim, “Variable tomographic scanning with wavelength scanning digital interference holography”, Opt. Comm. 260, 462-468 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2005.11.022 34. L.G. Krzewina & M.K. Kim, “Single-exposure optical sectioning by color structured illumination microscopy”, Opt. Lett. 31, 477-479 (2006). 33. D. Parshall & M.K. Kim, “Digital
holographic microscopy with dual wavelength phase unwrapping”, Appl. Opt. 45,
451-459 (2006). 32. C.J. Mann, L. Yu, C.M. Lo, & M.K. Kim, “High-resolution quantitative phase-contrast microscopy by digital holography”, Opt. Express 13, 8693-8698 (2005). (An image from this paper was featured on the masthead of the issue.) 31. Lingfeng Yu & Myung K Kim, “Wavelength-scanning digital interference holography for tomographic 3D imaging using the angular spectrum method”, Opt. Lett. 30, 2092-2094 (2005). 30. L. Yu & M.K. Kim, “Wavelength scanning digital interference holography for variable tomographic scanning”, Opt. Express 13, 5621-5627 (2005). 29. Lingfeng Yu & M.K. Kim, “Full-color three-dimensional microscopy by wide-field optical coherence tomography”, Opt. Exp. 12, 6632-6641 (2004). 28. J. Gass, A. Dakoff, & M.K. Kim, ““Phase imaging without 2pi-ambiguity by multiple-wavelength digital holography”, Opt. Lett. 28, 1141-1143 (2003). 27. A. Dakoff, J. Gass, & M.K. Kim, “Microscopic three-dimensional imaging by digital interference holography”, J. Electronic Imaging 12, 643-647 (2003). 26. M.K. Kim, "Tomographic three-dimensional imaging of a biological specimen using wavelength-scanning digital interference holography," Opt. Exp. 7, 305-310 (2000). (An image from this paper has also been published in the After Image section of Optics & Photonics News, Jan. 2001, P.56). 25. M.K. Kim, B.S. Ham, P.R. Hemmer, and M.S. Shahriar, “Observation of sub-kilohertz resonance in rf-optical double resonance experiment in rare earth inos in solids”, J. Mod. Opt. 47, 1713-1728 (2000) 24. M.K. Kim, “Wavelength scanning digital interference holography for optical section imaging”, Opt. Lett. 24, 1693-1695 (1999). 23. B.S. Ham, P.R. Hemmer, M.K. Kim, and S.M. Shahriar, “Quantum interference and its potential applications in a spectral hole-burnign solid”, Laser Physics 9, (3) 788-796 (1999). 22. B. S. Ham, M. S. Shahriar, M. K. Kim, and P. R. Hemmer, “Spin coherence excitation and rephasing with optically shelved atoms”, Phys. Rev. B 58, R11825-R11828 (1998). 21. H. Sonajalg and M.K. Kim, “Perturbation analysis of Raman echo”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 15, 1780 (1998). 20. B.S. Ham, M.S. Shahriar, M.K. Kim, and P.R. Hemmer, “Frequency-selective time-domain optical data storage by electromagnetically induced transparency in a rare-earth doped solid”, Opt. Lett. 22, 1849 (1997). 19. Y. Zhao, C. Wu, B.S. Ham, M.K. Kim, and E. Awad, “Microwave induced transparency in ruby”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 641 (1997). 18. P.R. Hemmer, M.S. Shahriar, B.S. Ham, M.K. Kim, and Yu. Rozhdestvensky, “Optical spectral holeburning with Raman coherent population trapping”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 291, 287 (1996). 17. P. Talagala, S.H. Ling, and M.K. Kim, "Photon echoes using broadband cw laser", J. Mod. Opt. 43, 253 (1996). 16. B.S. Ham and M.K. Kim, “Photon-echo amplification by an external-cavity amplifier”, Appl. Opt. 33, 4472 (1994). 15. P.R. Hemmer, S.M. Shahriar, M.K. Kim, K.Z. Cheng, and J. Kierstead, “Time domain optical data storage using Raman coherent population trapping”, Opt. Lett. 19, 296 (1994). 14. Y. Zhao, C. Wu, P. Shah, M.K. Kim, and L.R. Dawson, “Optical phase conjugation in InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum wells at 1.06 µm wavelength”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 281 (1993). 13. R.A. Breitenbach, P.K. Swisher, M.K. Kim, and B. S. Patel, “The photic sneeze reflex as a risk factor to combat pilots”, Military Medicine 158, 806 (1993). 12. D. Manganaris, P. Talagala and M. K. Kim, “Spatial mixed binary multiplication by photon echoes”, Appl. Opt. 31, 2426 (1992). 11. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Hyperfine structures of praseodymium ions in solids using stimulated photon echo modulation”, Phys. Rev. B 44, 9826 (1991). 10. S. Kröll, E.Y. Xu, M.K. Kim, M. Mitsunaga and R. Kachru, “Intensity-dependent photon echo relaxation in Pr3+:YAG”, Phys. Rev. B 41, 11568 (1990). 9. E.Y. Xu, S. Kröll, D.L. Heustis, R. Kachru, and M.K. Kim, “Nanosecond image processing using stimulated photon echoes”, Opt. Lett. 15, 562 (1990). 8. M. Mitsunaga, R. Kachru, E. Xu, and M.K. Kim, “cw photon echo”, Phys. Rev. Lett 63, 754 (1989). 7. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Hyperfine measurements of 1D2 - 3H4 transition in Pr3+:YAG using photon echo”, Phys. Rev. B 40, 2082 (1989). 6. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Many-bit optical data storage by backward stimulated echo”, Appl. Opt. 28, 2186 (1989). 5. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Multiple-bit long-term data storage by backward stimulated echo in Eu3+:YAl03”, Opt. Lett. 14, 423 (1989). 4. M. Mitsunaga, M.K. Kim, and R. Kachru, “Degenerate photon echoes: simultaneous storage of multiple optical data”, Opt. Lett. 13, 536 (1988). 3. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Storage and phase conjugation of multiple images using backward-stimulated echo in Pr3+:LaF3”, Opt. Lett. 12, 593 (1987). 2. M.K. Kim and R. Kachru, “Long-term image storage and phase conjugation by a backward-stimulated echo in Pr3+:LaF3”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 4, 305 (1987). 1. C.A. Cattel, M.K. Kim, R.P. Lin, and F.S. Moser, “Observations of large electric fields near the plasmasheet boundary by ISEE-1”, Geophys. Res. Lett. 9, 539 (1982). |