Computational Software for Meta-Analysis

Monte Carlo

You can find computer simulation programs written for various projects. My server will not let me share files with the R suffix, so I have added a .txt suffix to R files. To run, just download and remove the .txt suffix.

R program for Blended (Morris) Weights. This program is the one used in the Blended weights article to compare weighting schemes for correlation coefficients. The main comparisons of interest were the Schmidt-Hunter weights, the Blended (Morris) weights, and the inversve-variance (Hedges) weights. The program generates data and runs meta-analyses using the diferrent weights.

Special Applications Programs (Not Monte Carlo)

Analyze a Meta-analysis with Blended (Morris) Weights. You can use this program to analyze your data using the blended (Morris) weights. This program computes the 'bare-bones' version of meta-analysis. My server will not let me share files with the R suffix, so I have added a .txt suffix to R files. To run, just download and remove the .txt suffix.

SAS Power Program. You can use this program to estimate power for meta-analyses. This incudes power for moderators. The program is written in SAS IML, so it is a bit intimidating. The program is described in Cafri, Kromrey, & Brannick (2009), A SAS macro for power calculations in meta-analysis, Behavior Research Methods, 41, 35-46. doi:10.3758/BRM.41.1.35