Excel Calculation Sheets

Borenstein Ch14-18. Calculations from the Borenstein et al. (2009) book for the relevant chapters.

Borenstein Chapter 14. Computations for chapter 14 along with the equations as symbols embedded along with the computational formulas.

Borenstein Chapter 19. More computations following Borenstein et al. (2009).

Example of the computation of the Q statistic. Weighted sum of squares used in testing heterogeneity and estimating tau.

Failsafe N. Computes the failsafe number of studies (effect sizes). You input the data from your meta-analysis.

Hedges computation in r. Computational example of a random-effects analysis of correlations as suggested by Hedges (and implemented in metafor).

Hunter & Schmidt analysis of r. Bare bones, correction for reliability only, and full correction for both reliability and range restriction (Case II and Case IV). The Excel example uses simulated data that matches one of the datasets in the psychmeta package in R.

Hunter & Schmidt analysis of d. Bare bones and correction for unreliability of the dependent variable.

Hunter & Schmidt Table 3.5.

ICC calculator. Used to estimatate the reliability of judges for continuous variables for coding of data in your meta-analysis.